Landing your Dream Job!
/By: Maddy Rodriquez
I am one of the Co-Founders of the Corporate Retail Association (CRA) and I've recently accepted a full time position with Macy's Executive Development Program in New York City, starting in July! I couldn't be more excited to kick off my career in my favorite city, at such an amazing company. This has been my goal since freshman year, and I owe this success to the Corporate Retail Association. Being a leader and a founder in this organization really stood out to employers, so I was able to secure and internship and full time offer with Macy's.
Before CRA was even established, Colleena and I wanted to be involved with an organization that brought in companies that we were actually interested in. That's when we decided to start CRA, and it took A LOT of work, but looking at CRA today, everything has been worth it. It's exciting to see members receiving internship and full time offers through the opportunities that CRA is providing. If you have even the slightest interest in retail, please check out CRA, because these are opportunities you truly cannot get anywhere else!